Our Garden

The Hub Garden is accessible to everyone.  There are three areas.  People can either sit and relax, grow fruit and vegetables or tend the flower beds.

A successful application to Stoke on Trent City Council Community Investment Fund enabled us to improve the garden in early 2019.  It is now fully accessible, with a path wide enough for wheelchairs and mobility scooters to move freely round the garden. Seats and a table provide a pleasant and relaxing area, shaded by trees. 

The path, funded by Stoke on Trent City Council Community Investment Fund, and installed by Wulstan Fencing.

A grant from 1000 Lives provided the funding for an allotment area.  The local community can now grow their own fruit and vegetables.  Thanks are due to volunteers from Heron Cross Allotments for overseeing the venture.   

In the summer,  the raised beds are used to grow potatoes, onions and cauliflowers.  The produce helps to provide lunches and ingredients for the cookery class.

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