Adult Sessions
Each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during term time, there are organised activities for adults. Those who attend say it helps reduce loneliness and social isolation by making new friends.
Sessions run each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10.00am to 12.00pm. There is a charge of £5.00 per person per session, which includes tea or coffee and any of the craft activities.
A cooked lunch is available at 12.15pm at a further cost of £5.00. Typical lunches are roast dinner, fish and chips or chicken curry with rice followed by a dessert. Vegetarian options are available. All meals should be ordered by 11.00am. Otherwise the availability may only be something on toast.
On Wednesdays, we often offer an opportunity to make a few cakes or biscuits. In winter we frequently make soup. This involves choosing, preparing and cooking the ingredients and the finished product is shared at the end of the session. Along with the cooking, there are added benefits from the social interaction that takes place. This is an all age adult activity. Alternative activities are available for those who do not wish to cook.
The Hub provides other activities such as sewing, painting, solving puzzles and gardening. Occasionally, there is a themed day delivered by an external provider offering Cyanotype printing, willow weaving and card making.