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Staffordshire Police run a six week course in Primary Schools called Junior Police Cadets.    The Hub  provides evening sessions for young people where the course is not currently being offered in their school. PCSOs are responsible for the organisation and delivery of Junior Police activity.  They are supported by Hub staff.

Completing the course

Forty-seven young people have completed the course and achieved the Junior Police Cadet standard.  They were presented with their badges, certificates and caps by CI Rob Taylor and Graham Smout the Cadet Co-ordinator. 


 The course includes communicating using  radios and the phonetic alphabet, taking fingerprints, investigating crime scenes, road safety and understanding the work of the police.

PCSO Paul Washington has worked with the young people to identify potential dangers they might encounter during the school holiday. Senior Cadets also attend LeaderLab to support our work with the young people in the local community.

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